Saturday, July 26, 2014

Libertarians Are Like Cats?

Okay so I found this little gem on the Being Liberal Facebook page. Now, I'm a man of humor. I appreciate humor in all its forms. If you insult me and it's extremely clever, I won't even be mad, I'll just be like 'woah, I need to step up my game.' This image was slightly clever, and I appreciate that. I was gonna move past, but then I saw the comments. Then it occurred to me that the admins at Being Liberal think the same way the people in the comments think. The guys at Being Liberal are somewhat economically illiterate and have never, in the year or so I've had them liked on Facebook, demonstrated any accurate understanding of Libertarian philosophy. So this one's for you, M and W.

CLAIM: Libertarians assert independence while maintaining dependence on many people

Bullshit? Absolutely.

Okay, first off, Libertarianism has ZIP ZILCH ZERO to do with independence. Nothing whatsoever. Unless you count the part where we don't rely upon faceless men in suits to change society, we prefer to actually DO something to make the world better so we abide by the NAP and exercise nonviolence in all our dealings (try voting THAT into the White House, bitch!). We accept that we are totally dependent upon others in our society. But we, unlike you, know exactly whom we are dependent upon: businesses. Without businesses, we have nothing. Yes, even large corporations (to a lesser extent). Who built the computer with which you are reading this? Who provides the cell coverage so you can load this page and read on the bus to ignore the passed out homeless guy next to you? Who makes your food and gets gas for your car or bus? BUSINESSES AND CORPORATIONS. The very things that Liberal philosophy actively destroys. Liberalism, whether you like to admit it or not, is socialism mixed with American progressive politics. The socialism part destroys businesses. If you have any questions about this, please see this handy flow chart. Why did I use that picture? Because you're in my domain and I can do as I please. I'm making the most of it before the statists have that from me, too.

Okay for real though, Liberal philosophy grows the government pretty damn quickly, even moreso than Conservative philosophy, mostly because Liberals have this weird notion that a government can exist for the people. This of course is complete bullshit. My evidence? Every single state in history. They all basically served the super rich and political elite. If not at first, then soon after. The super rich like to protect their assets, which includes stakes in super large corporations. So how do you get coporations to continue to succeed? Eliminate the competition. Get the government to regulate X, and X becomes more expensive. Smaller X companies can't afford it and drop out. Get some more regulation in there, and more X companies fall out because it's just too damn expensive. Rinse and repeat until you've a collection of a few (or perhaps a dozen or so) mega large corporations holding that whole market. Of course, it's harder for some markets to get that type of oligarch-style control by a few companies (like fast food and oil industries), but this is always the general trend. So the very entities we depend on are hurt by the Liberals, who claim Libertarians don't accept that we are totally dependent upon others in society. Yeah, okay.

Libertarianism is, at its core, about respect. Basically, I respect you and your property. More thoroughly, I will never encroach upon you or your property, nor will I advocate others do it on my behalf. That's basically it from a practical standpoint. But nothing in there is about dependence. Go on any number of Libertarian webshows or blogs and see how often they preach societal independence (protip: they don't). I'd like to leave off this short post with a heartfelt message for the admins at Being Liberal:

Fuck you and your anti-rational, Jon-Stewart-parroting bullshit.

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